2014 is here and with the new year, comes resolutions. Now, I will not put anyone down for making new years resolutions - I even have a few of my own. Drink more water, make the most out of my gym membership and for once stay on top of my work. Yes it may be a rare occasion when someone actually sees it all the way through to the next year, but if someone has an aspiration to better themselves, who am I or anyone to judge them? And so far, in all honesty, I am doing pretty well.
However, with the popular aspiration of becoming thinner, it made me ask myself the question, what really is beauty? Surely its something you see on the inside, right? I mean that is what everyone says nowadays. But then where does this insane want and need to be thin come from?
I signed a petition just yesterday against one of the most well known fashion stores - Urban Outfitters, urging them to stop their production of their "eat less" and "depression" t-shirts. Mental illness is not a joke, and having suffered with it myself, I can honestly tell you it slowly starts to control your life. Gaining control of it was my second hardest struggle up to date - my first being loosing my father at age 11. It's something I feel very strongly about changing as the message sent out to younger children and teenagers is not right. Eating less and depression is not something people should be fashioning down the street. Urban Outfitters needs to remember real people are effected by this, and its not just about how much profits they bring in at the end of the day. If you would like to sign this petition too, or get more information, please go to this website: http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/urban-outfitters-we-are-urging-you-to-halt-all-production-of-their-eat-less-and-depression-t-shirts-both-of-which-are-glamorizing-mental-illnesses-and-could-have-potentially-devastating-effects-on-your-young-target-audience?share_id=XuglNhjOfW&utm_campaign=signature_receipt&utm_medium=email&utm_source=share_petition
I also saw a story about a girl on Facebook, who had posted a picture of herself in her underwear with a message to everyone in the past who had told her to diet, eat less, go to the gym.. it was basically an up yours to anyone who didn't think she was perfect just the way she was. It was very powerful and received over a million likes. I have so much respect for this girl, and I would love it if more people would have the confidence to do this. To stand up to people who tell them they are not beautiful the way there are.
Now, don't get me wrong, I am not saying anything bad about being thin. I've heard thin people say they want to be curvier, this works both ways believe me. I would sign the exact same petition if urban outfitters have come out with a top saying "eat more". We should all love the way we are built. Who says that someone with a tiny waist, is prettier than a curvy waist? Size E is better than size B? A big bum is better than a smaller one? Or visa versa. I think there is too much pressure on people nowadays to change the way they look, when in my opinion they look fine just the way they are. This goes for all the guys reading this too - wanting to be more built, more muscular, skinnier. I have friends who say they want to be prettier, skinnier, curvier, more toned.. and I look a them and think: but you're perfect the way you are.
Jessica Lawrence is one of the best role models to have become a celebrity, as she promotes loving the way you are.
Yes I do go to the gym, but that is not to become thinner, it is to become more physically fit. I am an actress and love physical theatre. To be able to perform at my best, I need to be physically fit. However, my figure is something I'm not aspiring to change. If it changes, it's nature and not my will. I'm curvy and will always be. It's the way I was made. Yes, it has taken me a while to accept that after years of bullying about my "big arse", but if this blog post helps one more person feel comfortable with the way they are, then I will be happy.
No matter what you look like if you are a kind and true person with a beautiful personality, you will be stunning to me readers.
And if you want to change the way you look, do it for yourself. If it will make you happier. I will not judge someone who is doing something that makes them happy. But do not do it because society tells you that, the way you are at the moment, is not "perfect" in their eyes.
Thankyou for reading this and if you signed the petition, I owe you my gratitude.
"You're much happier when you stop caring what people think". Love the way you are, and stop comparing yourself to others. You may think they are prettier than you, but they may be thinking exactly the same about you. Me last Halloween, sporting my curvy figure with finally, not a care in the world.
Could not agree more with this! I was horrified the other day when I found out about the t-shirts, glamourising mental illness is not fashion!!!