Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Why I Love Christmas

Merry Christmas Everyone! 

Hope you are all having an amazing day. I thought this was the perfect time to do a blog on all the things I love about this time of year. 

1. The lights. Possibly my most favourite thing. Everywhere looks so much prettier with a few fairy lights :)!
2. The fact it is socially acceptable to wear as much glitter as you can. I've been sporting glitter nail varnish, glitter eye liner, glitter mascara (a Christmas pressie from my sister) and any glittery clothing I can find.
3. Tradition. I love traditions, it creates memories. My favourite family tradition is giving our Christmas cards to each other on Christmas Eve before we go to sleep.
4. YOU CAN EAT AS MUCH AS YOU WANT :D!! Just like at Halloween you can be a slut and no one can say Christmas you can be a fat pig. And since I am addicted to chocolate and stuffing, it's the perfect time of year for me.
5. Wrapping up warm in the cold crisp air, and seeing your breath in front of you.
6. The hats you get out of crackers because I love looking like a twat.
7. Christmas TV! The specials and films.. best time of year to slob out on the sofa. I am watching the strictly  come dancing special as I write this.
8. Buying pressies. I love buying presents for people. Don't ask why.. I just do :P.
9. Wrapping! I absolutely love wrapping presents. Watching some Christmas YouTube videos or listening to my favourite Christmas songs.. and getting covered in sellotape. I get to openly be a perfectionist aswell. Love it.
10. Getting to dress up and go full out on the make up. I'm sporting a smokey eye and red lip. Perfect for Christmas. (Instagram: @lisanicolest)
11. The joy. Everyone is merrier when its getting near to Christmas.
12. The hussle and bussle of the high-street when you are doing late minute shopping, and melting in every store you go into. *heating+wintercoat= baking.* 
13. Christmas Carols, I love singing my heart out to the oldies :)
14. The Magic of this time of year <3 
15. Family Time. Treasured moments I shall never forget. We also get to remember the past Christmases with family who are not here any more. Beautiful memories that are always in my heart. Everyone has their own idea of what Christmas is about for them but for me, it's about spending time with loved ones.

Hope you all have an amazing Christmas and are blessed with all you wish you for.
Love Lisa-Nicole xxxx

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